Tag: culture

Automated boardroom decision-making will ‘always need humans’
Despite the growth in data analytics and AI, human intervention will always be essential, a recent webinar heard.

Boards are ‘inundated with data’ and face growing compliance risks
Organisations are struggling to achieve the data literacy that would empower their decision-making, new survey reveals.

Anglo-Saxon CEOs ‘increase a firm’s risk profile through their decisions’
Swiss research reveals Anglo-Saxon boards and CEOs are more likely to increase debt, reduce dividend payments and embark on M&As.

Books every board should have on its shelf this autumn
Summer is well and truly over and it’s time to get back to work. What better way than by expanding your library with some key reading matter?

ICGN Paris conference will focus on developments in Europe
The final event of the ICGN’s 2017 calendar, held on 6 and 7 December, will also look at sustainability, finance and business culture.

FTSE350 governance compliance rises, while stakeholder engagement low
FTSE350 companies are following the UK Corporate Governance Code, but details about stakeholder engagement and other governance areas are sketchy, finds Grant Thornton.

Non-executives and setting the right tone at the top
Striking the right tone is important for company leadership but it needs action to make it work.

Empowerment, not punishment, fuels ethical behaviour
To promote ethical behaviour, companies should emphasise community, not just consequences.

Non-executives ‘influential’ on corporate culture but worried by information
The UK’s financial watchdog has released its anticipated report on corporate culture. It concludes non-executives have a significant role but reveals concerns that they often fail to access the right information.

Agents for positive change
Internal auditors can help support the development of a company’s values. Peter Montagnon describes how they can be agents for positive change.