COMMENT: Executive pay, 13 March, 2024
Should UK CEO pay be increased?
There are unanswered questions about the nature of competition between UK and US businesses that need to be considered first.
COMMENT: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, 28 February, 2024
A fragmented future for sustainability in Europe?
As the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive stalls, we must navigate a more complex and costly ESG landscape.
COMMENT: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, 26 February, 2024
One key move that will boost corporate sustainability
An efficient mechanism for hearing complaints and redressing grievances is a powerful tool for governance and human rights due diligence.
COMMENT: Governance outlook 2024, 2 January, 2024
What’s in store in 2024?
In what may prove an ‘interesting time’ for boards, this year’s governance challenges include reporting changes, sustainability and AI.
COMMENT: Autumn statement, 11 December, 2023
Jeremy Hunt’s autumn statement misses a trick
Where are the proposals to reinvigorate the London Stock Exchange and boost both public and private UK equity markets?
COMMENT: Governance, 27 November, 2023
Why UK corporate governance needs tightening up
The LSE’s response to the government’s panicky U-turn on governance regulation is not helpful to NEDs and other stakeholders.
COMMENT: Audit reform, 7 November, 2023
Audit reform is essential to restore faith in the UK
When it comes to understanding what attracts investors to a capital market, the London Stock Exchange has got it wrong.
COMMENT: Audit reform, 6 November, 2023
An uncomfortable U-turn on audit reform
The government’s bonfire of the regulations expected for audit reform creates a source of uncertainty for business.
INSIGHT: Diversity, equity and inclusion, 25 October, 2023
How to boost diversity of thought
Companies benefit from diverse workforces, but also from having the input of different opinions and ways of thinking.
COMMENT: Audit reforms, 25 October, 2023
Ditching audit reforms will ‘diminish’ UK reputation for reporting
We will continue to argue for and support improvements to corporate reporting (and to audit quality and to audit oversight) in the UK, to ensure that the UK continues to be a world leader in this really important area.
COMMENT: Governance, 26 September, 2023
Are boards losing control?
We need to ensure that regulations do not inappropriately reduce a board’s ability to take decisions in the best interests of the company.
COMMENT: Governance, 12 September, 2023
Don’t let reporting requirements lead to boilerplate disclosures
We must balance the need for disclosure of non-financial information so that it is sufficient, but still proportionate.
COMMENT: Ethics, 7 August, 2023
Ignore trust at your peril
Consumers and employers expect ethical corporate behaviour—and will vote with their feet when trust is breached.
COMMENT: ESG, 31 July, 2023
Why ESG is a political issue
The current debate on terminology overlooks the fact that business and business leaders have always had an impact on politics.
INTERVIEW: Stewardship, 6 July, 2023
Helle Bank Jørgensen on governance, ESG and how board directors can become stewards of the future
In spite of ESG toxicity in the US, she remains optimistic that companies are working on sustainability ’because they know they need to’.
COMMENT: Governance, 30 May, 2023
Hybrid AGMs maximise shareholder participation
Avoid virtual-only annual general meetings: although pragmatic in an emergency, they water down shareholders’ rights.
COMMENT: ESG, 15 May, 2023
ESG: Should E and S break up with G?
In the world of investing, maturity has revealed significant practical shortcomings in combining environmental, social and governance.
COMMENT: Governance, 24 April, 2023
The politics and geopolitics of controlling shareholders
Shareholders with a controlling interest influence not only financial matters but can also wield great power over policy and politics.
COMMENT: ESG, 30 March, 2023
Let’s talk about ‘regenerative business’, not sustainability
Sustainability and net-zero commitments may not be enough. We need companies to take a long-term view of ESG and promote regeneration.
INSIGHT: Board expertise, 23 February, 2023
Being a CEO in 2023: how to navigate uncertainty
Agility, planning in the shorter term and bravery will all stand chief executives in good stead in another unpredictable year.