Tag: Spring 2017

Reporting directive paves way for improved accountability
The EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive places more responsibilities on companies and provides the basis for a new model of corporate accountability.

Information asymmetry is good for effective boards
Commentators often complain that non-executives need more information. But recent research suggests that it is information asymmetry that actually makes non-executives effective.

Reputation for the long term requires a change of attitude
Ensuring long-term success is about protecting reputation. But it may mean a painful adjustment from short to long-term thinking and to a more inclusive form of capitalism.

A matter of principle: Fiona Reynolds
Since its inception in 2006, the PRI has made inroads into ensuring that investors properly address ESG. But, there is much work to be done if it is to meet its goal of doing itself out of a job.

The Secret NED: the trials of the remuneration chair
It’s undoubtedly a tough job, especially in this pay-sensitive climate. So why would anyone want to be remuneration chair?

Integrated implementation: Tim Haywood
Interserve has become a golden example of integrated reporting. Group finance director Tim Haywood talks about the pain of implementing integrated reporting, and the need for measures of substance.

Long-term thinking: a key principle of 21st-century governance
The shift to integrated reporting may not be easy, but Richard Howitt of the International Integrated Reporting Council argues that if we are to create long-term value, it is crucial to embed it as a key governance principle.

How to spot the narcissist in the boardroom
Manipulative, self-centred, ruthless—power-hungry leaders will put their own interests before those of the organisation they serve. Katharina Balazs explains how to recognise and deal with the narcissist in your midst.

How robotics can bring UK manufacturing up to speed
The use of robots and automation is growing but the UK lags behind other countries. What is needed is leadership to define a vision for manufacturing in the future, says Mike Wilson.

Risk hotspots — tremors from around the world
Board Agenda reports on a handful of risk-related tremors from around the world, from Trump’s protectionist policies, to Uber CEO’s embarrassing taxi quarrel.