Tag: LTIPs

UK shareholder pay revolts increase by 56% in 2021
Last year saw the highest number of notifiable shareholder revolts on pay for five years—and investors seem willing to maintain the pressure.

Executive pay, sustainability KPIs and the climate crisis
Linking KPIs to sustainability targets results in complexity. A focus on corporate purpose is a better way to tackle climate change.

Predictable pay-outs expose the charade of performance-related pay
Incentive plans, share awards and bonus payments have become almost a guaranteed part of a chief executive’s pay package.

Executive pay—buying virtue
There is unstoppable momentum behind linking executive pay to ESG targets. That’s not all good news.

Covid causes fall in CEO pay—but excessive earnings remain an issue
The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a reduction in overall CEO pay levels. Is this an opportunity for further equalisation of pay ratios?

Covid causes fall in CEO pay—but excessive earnings remain an issue
The Covid-19 pandemic has seen a reduction in overall CEO pay levels. Is this an opportunity for further equalisation of pay ratios?

UK and EU companies lead the US on ESG targets in pay deals
Study reveals 95% of UK and EU firms include ESG metrics in executive compensation plans, compared with 22% of US corporates.

Taming the tiger: how investors are tackling inflation in executive pay
Solutions to market failures usually involve government action. But on the issue of CEO earnings, investors are taking the tiger by its tail.

Linking pay to ESG targets ‘could have unintended consequences’
Around 45% of the FTSE 100 now have ESG targets in their bonuses and LTIPs—but a new study warns there are risks involved.

Covid-19: cuts to executive pay ‘mainly superficial or short term’
Only 36 FTSE 100 companies cut CEO pay as a result of the pandemic, while the median FTSE 100 CEO pay package fell by 0.5% in 2019.