Tag: dual roles
Research reveals Silicon Valley’s growing appetite for dual-class shares
US tech companies are less likely than S&P 100 firms to have dual CEO-chairs, but they continue to push ahead on dual-class shares.
LGIM to vote against combined CEO/chair roles worldwide
Asset manager says separated roles provide “a better balance of authority and responsibility”, which aligns with the long-term interests of investors.
Separation of powers makes for healthy board dynamics
Splitting the roles of CEO and chair may help companies prepare for future challenges and avert the risks associated with concentrating power in the hands of one individual.
Amazon faces calls to separate CEO and chairman roles
Consumer campaign group says there is a conflict of interest in Jeff Bezos holding both the CEO and chairman roles at Amazon.
GE chairman appoints activist investor representative onto board
Trian’s Ed Garden has joined the GE board at the behest of the company’s new chairman and CEO John Flannery.
Low-level support for CEOs becoming chairmen, poll suggests
Study finds little backing for chief executives becoming chairmen in their organisations.