News round-up: this week in governance
Breaking things vs fixing things; BlackRock and proxy voting; THG governance changes; warning over “tricky” TCFD scenarios.
FRC warns over climate disclosures ahead of COP26 summit
Regulator’s annual review of corporate reporting says it will be “closely revising how companies report against the new TCFD requirements”.
UK green finance report puts focus on transition plans
Chancellor Rishi Sunak says requiring firms to disclose transition plans would help the UK to “set new global standards for sustainability”.
US firms ask SEC to introduce global standards on climate reporting
Major US companies including Apple and BlackRock want to see the TCFD framework and global standards integrated into US reporting rules.
Investor group calls for shareholder votes on climate strategy
The Investor Forum says greater shareholder influence over climate strategy will increase pressure on boards to meet UK net zero targets.
Roadmap to mandatory TCFD reporting ‘should focus minds’
Some premium listed companies will see compulsory climate reporting as soon as next year. And experts warn that much work remains to be done.
BlackRock backs global sustainability reporting standards
The fund manager says investors and corporates need common and comparable data, amid IFRS consultation on global sustainability reporting.
‘Single all-encompassing framework’ needed for sustainability reporting
Research by the Better Alignment Project highlights confusion over differing sustainability reporting frameworks and the language and taxonomy they use.
Climate reporting: TCFD urges companies to disclose data
While recent speeches by Philip Hammond and Mark Carney—and a Greenpeace protest—have helped to focus attention on climate reporting, a status report from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures says more needs to be done.
CDP criticises top companies over environmental disclosures
Organisations including Amazon, Apple and Berkshire Hathaway are named and shamed by the international non-profit for ‘insufficient transparency’ in their environmental disclosures.