Tag: narrative reporting

Boards tasked to ‘focus on decarbonising supply chain’
In advance of COP28, IIA report says comprehensive due diligence will help business avoid sabotaging net zero target.

Financial watchdog highlights reporting issues
Ongoing economic uncertainty has seen some companies struggle to provide useful financial data, the FRC finds.

Business relays UK Corporate Governance Code concerns
Responses to the FRC’s consultation on its proposals highlight practical concerns about implementation and compliance.

FTSE350 governance compliance rises, while stakeholder engagement low
FTSE350 companies are following the UK Corporate Governance Code, but details about stakeholder engagement and other governance areas are sketchy, finds Grant Thornton.

Corporates must get to grips with new accounting standards, says FRC
Clear disclosures about the effect of major new accounting standards, alongside better linkage between strategy, KPIs and remuneration, are areas under the gaze of the Financial Reporting Council.

Annual reports swell in size and content improves, but work to be done
Despite FTSE350 annual reports swelling by 25%, their content is better aligned to stakeholder requirements, and is more “joined up”, though disclosures need to focus on “actions and outcomes, rather than just processes”.

Governance reform expands reporting obligation of large UK firms
Large private businesses will be obliged to report on responsibility and their impact upon employees and the wider world, under the government’s follow-up on its green paper.

More detail of long-term value created by UK companies proposed by FRC
New guidance on the reporting of non-financial matters has been proposed by accounting’s watchdog in an exposure draft, taking into account the UK’s recent implementation of new EU rules.

Story telling
Narrative reporting has evolved significantly over the past five years. Reports provide a much broader range of non-financial information, but has the quality of information kept pace with this change?