Tag: Comment
Boards must look to next wave of AI now
Artificial general intelligence is coming and time is of the essence: what’s your company’s strategy for 2030?
The UK needs an audit and corporate governance reform bill
Adopting proposals ditched by the previous government would foster growth and a transparent, trustworthy business ecosystem.
Choose your words carefully
Creating space and time for considered, formal debate of board decisions will allow sense—and true consensus—to emerge.
We need UK business to be a force for good
Amending section 172 of the Companies Act would empower leaders to align the interests of profits and planet.
What will the new UK government do for governance?
Sir Keir Starmer has committed the Labour administration to ‘service’: by rights, that should include improving business ethics.
Why doesn’t Britain trust politicians?
Public faith in government and business continues to drop, and business leaders need to take action now to regain it.
Cybersecurity needs a seat on the board
A cyber-attack on your organisation is guaranteed, so it’s time to think ‘when’, not ‘if’, and be prepared from the top down.
Why a leader’s humour is often no laughing matter
There is a time and a place for jokes, and recent research suggests that the boardroom may be better off without them.
Ignore reputation at your peril
Corporate reputation is critical, yet 67% of board directors fail to speak up in the face of entirely foreseeable crises.
Why CEO pay hikes are not wise
Bigger executive pay packets will not fix underperforming organisations. It’s a long game and needs a longer-term solution.