Opposition to dual-class share structures ‘set to grow’
Asset owners are adopting tactics to sanction the use of dual-class voting, according to a report on changing policies.

What can boards hope for in 2025?
We asked key figures to let us in on their expectations for the coming year, and reveal their wishlist for boards for 2025.

Railpen ‘resists the race to the governance bottom’
The pension fund, one of the country’s largest, seeks to protect shareholders after the recent changes to UK listing rules.

Stewardship code rolls back on environmental stance
The revised Financial Reporting Council UK Stewardship Code is aimed at reducing the reporting burden and growing the UK economy.

Investor body calls on EU for ‘sunset clause’ on dual class shares
International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) argues obstacles remain to shareholder rights in the EU and calls for more harmonisation of rules.

Collaborative engagement over assets ‘under threat’
A head of stewardship warns that asset managers being ‘totally scattered’ puts long-term sustainable performance at risk.

News round-up: this week in governance
Private equity audit investments under scrutiny; US zombies and shareholder rights; City hungry for further reforms.

Stakeholders meet to boost best practice on investor stewardship
Stewardship professionals, asset owners, asset managers and expert advisers from around the world will convene in London.

News round-up: this week in governance
Sir Nigel Wilson’s capital ideas for London; AI and governance; ICGN writes to Italy over board director election overhaul.

News round-up: this week in governance
Cyber crime and the IoD’s code of conduct; director independence in Hong Kong; Adopting sustainability reporting standards