Filip Gregor
Filip Gregor is the head of responsible companies at Frank Bold, a purpose-driven law firm. Along with his Brussels team, Filip runs the Alliance for Corporate Transparency project, which evaluates and seeks to improve the current practice of non-financial reporting. Filip is also a steering group member of the European Corporate Reporting Lab at European Financial Reporting Advisory Group.
Latest Articles by Filip Gregor
26 April, 2021
The ‘G’ in ESG: what needs to be reported on governanceTransparency and governance incentives, together with responsible investors, elevates sustainability among board priorities.
8 September, 2017
Recommendations to rethink UK corporate governanceDuring the government’s consultation period on corporate governance reform, a series of events in London enabled discussion of a governance model fit for the 21st century. Filip Gregor and Jeroen Veldman summarise the key conclusions.
20 July, 2017
Sustainable Finance report: implications for investors and directorsReform of the financial system towards a sustainable economy has been detailed in an EU report, whose recommendations—which draw upon corporate governance reform—impact upon fiduciary duties in varying degrees.