Tag: value creation

How to approach difficult questions
Boards need a ‘safe space’ to express ideas and concerns—and to admit mistakes, without fear of negative consequences.

How to help your finance team evolve
Finance teams have a vital role to play in building sustainable businesses, and CFOs can help them step up to the challenge.

Do we overestimate the impact of CEOs on company performance?
A new study says CEOs explain 2% of variability in stock returns, while global, country and industry changes account for 11%, 4% and 1%.

What’s in your hand? How businesses can create social value
Companies are creating social value during the coronavirus crisis by thinking innovatively about what they can offer—and who could benefit.

Dutch corporate governance committee calls for more shareholder activism
The Dutch corporate governance committee believes “it’s time to pay more attention to the role and involvement of shareholders, particularly with regard to long-term value creation”.

Non-execs need the right skills for effective integrated reporting
Integrated reporting is gaining in popularity, but it needs the right skills among non-executives if their credibility is to be enforced, writes Prof. Carol Adams, professor of accounting at Durham University.

IIRC marks advances in integrated reporting, but ‘work to be done’ in US
The International Integrated Reporting Council’s annual report reveals an expansion of its network and celebrates bringing China on board, but concedes there is still work to be done in the US.

What’s next for corporate reporting: the technology question
The future of corporate reporting is a subject attracting much debate and activity in recent years. A new report from the ICAEW captures the views of key stakeholders, and finds that technology is central to the discussion.