Tag: technology risk

Technology, cyber risk and ESG top list of business leaders’ concerns
Mazars survey reveals 82% of executives plan to increase investment in IT systems, while 75% plan to boost spending on sustainability.

AI decision-making presents new ethical risks
Businesses are allowing artificial intelligence to make decisions that need a human touch. Boards must balance the risks and benefits.

How boards can build an effective ransomware response plan
The impacts of a ransomware attack are immediate, significant and hugely damaging to company reputation. Boards should be prepared.

Experts urge vigilance on cybersecurity amid Russian invasion of Ukraine
UK and US cybersecurity agencies are among the specialists recommending that companies “bolster their defences” against cyber attacks.

Business concern over cyber attacks rises in wake of Ukraine conflict
Geopolitical uncertainty is leading firms to boost their defences against cyber attacks. But true digital resilience is a continuous process.

Rethinking boards: what does the future hold for directors?
As companies increase in complexity, directors may struggle to add impact and value. Here are five potential areas for board reform.

FBI warns ransomware gangs are targeting M&A transactions
US crime agency says the hard deadlines involved in M&A transactions pressures victims to pay up for fear of affecting stock values.

Home front: how digitalisation is moving cybersecurity boundaries
The pressure for digital transformation in the wake of Covid-19 is creating new cybersecurity challenges and responsibilities.

Identity crisis: the threat of malicious credential abuse
The security risks posed by malicious credential abuse is fast becoming every chief information security officer’s worst nightmare.

System error: why AI without humans is a governance challenge
From the Post Office scandal to chatbots creating their own language, AI is in danger of becoming ungovernable without human intervention.