Tag: sustainability reporting

US targets EU sustainability reporting
A member of Congress declares European rules on disclosure are ‘foreign regulation that puts America last’.

Debate intensifies over sustainability reporting rules
As the EU readies its simplified directive to combine the CSRD and CSDDD, Germany warns of ‘bureaucratic burden’.

Government’s advisers endorse new UK sustainability reporting standards
Adopting IFRS S1 and S2 is a ‘crucial step in aligning UK businesses with global reporting practices’, according to regulators.

Campaigners lobby to keep EU sustainability reporting rules
Advocates call for ‘smart and easy implementation’ of the CSRD, saying political pressure reveals a ‘deregulatory agenda’.

Get ready for January 2025: CSRD reports
Why assured integrated reporting is the key to complying with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

Boards struggle with CSRD ‘double materiality’ demands
A further challenge emerging from the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive is accurate and thorough data collection, survey finds.

Sustainability assurance audits raise competition fears
There is a risk the market may become dominated by the Big Four, a study by the Financial Reporting Council reveals.

Smaller listed companies fall short of financial reporting standards
The quality of many non-FTSE 350 company financial reports is ‘concerning’, the Financial Reporting Council’s review found.

How to help your finance team evolve
Finance teams have a vital role to play in building sustainable businesses, and CFOs can help them step up to the challenge.

Why generalists are better at leading ESG strategy than specialists
ESG and sustainability strategy leaders need to have experience and a well-rounded appreciation of commercial imperatives.