Tag: robotics
Boards may evolve a ‘duty’ to use AI
Artificial intelligence has prompted huge interest and questions about whether the technology and the law are ready for robots on boards.
Business looks to automation in the wake of Covid-19
Robotics and automation will become more important than ever as a solution for UK business recovery amid the pandemic’s devastating economic impact.
Artificial Intelligence: the ethical dimension
Businesses are racing to embrace the use of artificial intelligence in their products and services, but there is a right and wrong way to use it, argues Philippa Foster Back of the Institute of Business Ethics.
Overcoming difference as Chinese investment in Europe grows
Chinese appetite for European investment has become ever more sophisticated, but it still pays for both parties to be aware of cultural and operational differences that may arise.
Strategic thinking in the age of digital transformation
Technological transformation is coming fast, with Blockchain, artificial intelligence and robotics all set to radically impact the way we do business. But are boards prepared to see this as the catalyst for radically changing strategy?
The Secret NED: how boards can keep RoboNed at bay
Why do boards and NEDs “keep getting got” by digital technology? It’s time to wake up to the strategic opportunities it presents.
How robotics can bring UK manufacturing up to speed
The use of robots and automation is growing but the UK lags behind other countries. What is needed is leadership to define a vision for manufacturing in the future, says Mike Wilson.