Tag: Public Register

FTSE 350 pay revolts fall
From the 2024 voting figures so far, there are signs that investors may support higher executive pay deals in the UK.

LSE chief claims remco chairs willing to suffer ‘naughty step’ for higher executive pay
Julia Hoggett says Capital Markets Industry Taskforce’s campaign to enhance CEO pay is winning converts.

London Stock Exchange Group defends proposed reforms
Suggested changes to the UK listings regime had come under fire from LAPFF, a £350bn pension funds investment body.

Pension funds body warns against London stock market reforms
Proposed governance changes lack supporting evidence and may not bring benefits, claims major UK investment body.

Proxy adviser warns LSE over governance
Abolishing the public register of shareholder revolts ‘won’t stop capital providers exercising their democratic rights’, letter states.

Boardroom pay revolts are on the rise as investors seek restraint
Analysis by Board Agenda reveals that pay revolts in the first half of 2021 are up on the same period last year by 51%.

Shareholder revolts against remuneration reports rise
The Investment Association’s Public Register shows that the number of investor revolts against remuneration reports is on the rise.

Investors increasingly vote against remuneration reports
Figures reveal that investors are expressing their displeasure with remuneration reports in greater numbers, even though chief executive pay continues to climb.