Tag: Marks & Spencer
Campaigners challenge M&S over virtual-only AGMs
M&S chair Archie Norman’s Share Your Voice petition would ‘restrict shareholders’ ability to engage’, says The Engagement Appeal.
Alan Stewart to be NED at Burberry
The former chief financial officer of Tesco and Marks & Spencer joins the Burberry Group’s board on 1 September.
New leadership team takes the helm at M&S
Stuart Machin has taken over as chief executive, with Katie Bickerstaffe as co-CEO and Eoin Tonge as chief strategy and finance officer.
Boards ‘weighed down’ by governance reform, report warns
Think-tank Tomorrow’s Company calls for a change in approach to governance, as it believes reforms are distracting boards from investing for the long term.
Why UK companies cannot ignore modern slavery reporting
Companies in the UK now have to produce a report detailing their efforts to beat modern slavery in their supply chains. Some have clearly thought this through. But the poor reporting of others is “worrying”.
M&S and BHP Billiton lead new human rights benchmark
New Corporate Human Rights Benchmark launches with M&S and BHP Billiton leading the rankings.