Tag: Kerrie Waring

News round-up: this week in governance
Lonely leadership; how governance helps in a crisis; Kerrie Waring to depart ICGN; ESG and competitiveness may not go together

Campaigners challenge M&S over virtual-only AGMs
M&S chair Archie Norman’s Share Your Voice petition would ‘restrict shareholders’ ability to engage’, says The Engagement Appeal.

Hybrid AGMs maximise shareholder participation
Avoid virtual-only annual general meetings: although pragmatic in an emergency, they water down shareholders’ rights.

Investors balk at S&P dual-class shares decision
Representatives of US pension funds are ‘disappointed’ that dual-class structures have been allowed to return to S&P Global Indices.

Investor body warns against virtual-only annual general meetings
Virtual-only AGMs can damage shareholders’ rights and reduce accountability, according to the International Corporate Governance Network.

Integrated reporting the focus for ICGN-IIRC gathering
The ICGN-IIRC Tokyo Conference will mark Japan’s governance reforms and focus on creating on long-term value.

Why one share, one vote is the best long-term investment option
Differential share ownership has become a preoccupation with some tech companies but, argues Kerrie Waring, there’s little evidence that it helps companies plan for the long term.

Stewardship, non-financial reporting and engagement
The International Corporate Governance Network celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Executive director Kerrie Waring looks back on changes in governance, what the priorities are now and what the future may hold.