Tag: Financial Stability Board

Sustainability body issues global disclosure standards
The International Sustainability Standards Board’s guidance is aimed at improving trust in climate-related disclosures.

Are directors courting legal action by keeping quiet on climate risk?
In Australia recently, shareholders filed legal action against Commonwealth Bank—it had allegedly failed to disclose climate risk accurately. Could this be the first of many such cases? How should directors report on climate change risks in the face of an uncertain future?

Every board has a role in the transition to a low-carbon economy
Climate change has placed a premium on moving to sustainable business models and a low-carbon economy. The task will need “positivity of purpose“ and “informed assessment“ of climate risks, writes Tom Delay of the Carbon Trust.

Climate risk a key issue for 2017, says BlackRock
BlackRock, the world’s largest investor, says climate-related risks will be at the top of its engagement agenda this year.

Watchdog worried climate disclosures will lead to ‘checklist mentality’
Financial Reporting Council seeks a “principles-based approach” to climate change disclosure, and worries recent guidance is so big companies will find it “onerous”.

Task Force releases climate risk recommendations
Recommendations from the FSB Task Force calls on companies to disclose the effect of climate change on business strategy as well as describing boards’ oversight of climate risk.

OECD launches governance principles
Revised guidelines, backed by the G20, are released to form benchmark for national governance regimes.