Tag: dual-class shares

Opposition to dual-class share structures ‘set to grow’
Asset owners are adopting tactics to sanction the use of dual-class voting, according to a report on changing policies.

Investor body calls on EU for ‘sunset clause’ on dual class shares
International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) argues obstacles remain to shareholder rights in the EU and calls for more harmonisation of rules.

Governance professionals expect London Stock Exchange delistings
Financial Conduct Authority’s reforms to London listing rules do not fill business leaders with confidence, survey suggests.

Investment experts criticise London listings reforms
Cherry picking US elements such as dual-class shares can’t ensure success in attracting IPOs, ICGN conference heard.

London listing reforms to go ahead amid criticism
There is to be no shareholder approval for ‘significant transactions’, nor a need for a sunset clause on dual-class shares.

Listings reforms needed to ‘rehabilitate’ City of London
Investment expert writes that the proposed changes to dual-class shares, listing categories and listing rules should go ahead.

Governance body calls on FCA to halt London listings changes
Investors’ ‘strong concerns over the proposed reforms’ are highlighted in an ICGN open letter to the Financial Conduct Authority.

London Stock Exchange Group defends proposed reforms
Suggested changes to the UK listings regime had come under fire from LAPFF, a £350bn pension funds investment body.

Pension funds body warns against London stock market reforms
Proposed governance changes lack supporting evidence and may not bring benefits, claims major UK investment body.

Changes to London listings ‘expose investors to undue risk’
FCA proposals will ‘roll back’ governance and mean ‘weaker voting rights’, writes global investor stewardship body.