Tag: digital strategy
The Secret NED: how boards can keep RoboNed at bay
Why do boards and NEDs “keep getting got” by digital technology? It’s time to wake up to the strategic opportunities it presents.
Digital transformation: how boards can weather the storm
With the digital revolution about to present “the greatest disruption to both leadership and governance in the entire history of business”, there are ways that boards can prepare for the new digital economy and not be left behind.
Digital optimist: Antony Jenkins
The world is going digital and fast. Former Barclays CEO Antony Jenkins, now a digital entrepreneur, argues that if we make the right choices now, technology needn’t lead us down the road to “dystopia”.
Why every business needs a digital strategy
Technology is an increasingly crucial element of business models. Nick Elverston and Amanda Hale of law firm Ashurst explore key questions when preparing a digital strategy.
Google apologises to advertisers in move to protect reputation
Google announces new measures and tightened rules after advertisers complain that content on YouTube was positioned alongside hate videos.
Three ways to get ahead of the digital competition
Leaders seeking to capture value and gain a competitive edge in the digital age need to expect the unexpected.