Tag: data breaches

Identity crisis: the threat of malicious credential abuse
The security risks posed by malicious credential abuse is fast becoming every chief information security officer’s worst nightmare.

Cyber-accountability for C-suite and boards
In an extract from his forthcoming book, Mathieu Gorge explains why CEOs and board members are good targets for hackers and social engineers.

Board preparation is key to fighting the ransomware threat
Board members must be clear on how their organisation’s data and IT infrastructure is being protected from the growing ransomware threat—and whether to pay up in the event of an attack.

Ransomware attacks: what to do when the worst happens
With ransomware attacks on the rise among large organisations, boards must know how to prepare and react to give the business the best chance of recovery.

Taking control of cyber risk
Cybercrime is an escalating problem that demands constant attention to mitigate against financial and reputational risk. But what should boards do to ensure their organisation is protected?

Why poor cybersecurity is a ticking time bomb
Regardless of where a threat to cybersecurity comes from, board members need to be clear on how their organisation’s data and infrastructure mechanisms are being protected.

Boards increase their efforts on cybersecurity
A survey finds that boards are increasingly involved in managing the threat from cybercrime. But some boards remain complacent, while investors are campaigning for better governance of cyber-risk.

When an IT failure should mean ‘goodbye’ for a CEO
The resignation of Paul Pester as chief executive of TSB after an IT failure highlights the risks of tech going awry. But should the CEO always carry the can?

Investors should push companies on cybersecurity, warns expert
Conference launches with a warning that institutional investors should be pushing companies to up their game on cybersecurity.