Tag: artificial intelligence

CEO turnover at record global high
Figures show a steep rise in chief executives moving on in 2024, many prompted by the challenges of AI and investor activism.

Leadership intelligence in the age of AI
The potential of artificial intelligence is dazzling—but for leaders making decisions, it can be a poor substitute for trusting your gut.

What will Trump’s victory mean for US governance?
The incoming administration is likely to overturn climate risk reporting rules and stifle shareholder proposals, say observers.

Boards ‘may not be evolving fast enough’
Research reveals geopolitical risk is not considered a top priority by boardrooms around the world.

Call to upgrade governance of AI technology
‘Boards must strengthen oversight and deepen insight,’ says the US National Association of Corporate Directors.

AI governance must ‘go beyond compliance’
The management of artificial intelligence technology—especially generative AI—is a board priority, a panel of experts concluded.

US shareholder proposals highlight AI fears
Companies including Netflix and Apple faced proposals on artificial intelligence, with shareholder interest ‘expected to grow’.

News round-up: this week in governance
Women dominate HR leadership; fair value versus historic cost conundrum; AI evolution moving too fast; Vanguard’s environmental and social voting

What business leaders really think about generative AI
An INSEAD survey offers insights on who will benefit from AI and how attitudes to artificial intelligence differ in Europe, America and Asia.

Are you ready for the EU’s AI Act?
This summer’s new regulations on using artificial intelligence, including generative AI, are set to have a significant impact.