FTSE 350 survey, 12 December, 2016
Ethnic diversity in the boardroom falls
ICSA's Bellwether Survey reveals that ethnic diversity in boardroom has decreased while cyber-risk is rising.
Diversity, 9 December, 2016
Guidance on board diversity issued
ICGN publishes guidance on diversity that looks beyond gender.
Corporate culture, 7 December, 2016
The need to nurture business culture is here to stay
Nurturing the right business culture is critical, but needn’t be something to shy away from. Jérémie Guillerme of stakeholder communications consultancy Black Sun sets out some advice to get you on the right road.
Funding, 6 December, 2016
Corporate borrowers should be braced for refinancing headwinds
Since 2012 corporate borrowers have been able to source funding at prices close to historic lows, and banks have been keen to lend. But all that could change as uncertainty casts a shadow over the economy and new regulations begin to bite.
ICGN & IIRC conference, 6 December, 2016
Executives believe companies must think ‘beyond profit’
Joint conference between the ICGN and the IIRC highlights calls for alignment of governance systems and company reporting.
Executive behaviour, 1 November, 2016
Empowerment, not punishment, fuels ethical behaviour
To promote ethical behaviour, companies should emphasise community, not just consequences.
Reporting, 1 November, 2016
Insolvencies could be prevented, says pensions adviser
A report from Lincoln Pensions argues that current accounting standards for defined-benefit pension schemes in the UK are not up to scratch.
Climate change, 21 June, 2016
Businesses ‘vulnerable’ if they fail to confront climate risk
Academics insist business leaders need to take the Paris climate change agreement seriously or increase the risks to their business models.
Governance regimes, 1 June, 2016
Investor support
Where minority shareholders are protected, more investment takes place.
Technology risk, 1 June, 2016
The true cost of cyber breaches
Cyber-security and data breaches have been making headlines following high-profile incidents at TalkTalk and Vodafone, but cyber-attacks can jeopardise the security of any company.
Risk & strategy, 9 October, 2015
Boards struggle to link risk and strategy
Audit committee members reveal that many boardrooms are failing to debate risk alongside strategy.
Uncertainty and risk, 23 September, 2015
Measure by measure
Changes to the UK's corporate governance code are an opportunity to reconsider risk and internal control.
News, 7 September, 2015
Natural disasters could cost businesses $4.6trn
Lloyd’s City Risk Index warns that a total of $4.6 trillion projected GDP is at risk from manmade and natural disasters in 301 major cities around the world.
Reputational damage, 28 August, 2015
Thomas Cook’s calamity
As the travel giant counts the cost of holidaymaker deaths, Board Agenda looks at the wider impact of reputational crises, and how businesses can better manage or avoid them.
Risk appetite, 26 August, 2015
Hunger tamed
Risk is the hot topic for non-executive directors, but many boards fall short at defining their appetite for risk. Ruth Ireland takes a look at risk culture and the art of taking acceptable risks.
CFOs & risk, 11 July, 2015
Shifting attitudes to risk
Research may show that FTSE risk appetite is improving, but is it translating into action?