
Remuneration, 10 October, 2016
Caution urged over UK executive pay
PwC pay expert calls for an “escalation mechanism” rather than immediate use of binding votes for shareholders concerned about pay.

Diversity, 10 October, 2016
Indian businesses under pressure over women on boards
Business regulator calls for action from companies in India that have so far missed the 2015 deadline to appoint women to their boards.

Executive pay, 7 October, 2016
L&G demands companies act on boardroom pay
Investment management firm calls for an end to the annual use of executive pay benchmarking and calls for the inclusion of worker representatives on remuneration committees.

Theresa May, 6 October, 2016
Watchdog backs PM’s drive for governance reform
Financial Reporting Council chief executive supports Theresa May’s agenda for “wider stakeholder engagement”.

SEC, 5 October, 2016
GSK pays $20m to settle China bribery charges
Pharmaceuticals giant agrees to settle charges over “pay to prescribe” schemes in China.

Diversity, 5 October, 2016
Women bring under-represented skills to boards
Study finds that female board directors in the US are more likely to have the least common skill sets.

Modern Slavery Act, 4 October, 2016
Slavery Act: UK companies under fire over statements
The deadline has passed for modern slavery statements to be submitted but companies are failing to properly comply.

IOSCO, 4 October, 2016
Regulators seek to beef up emerging market governance
Survey reveals concerns and recommendations for improvement in the governance of emerging markets.

Asia, 29 September, 2016
Australia tops Asia governance survey
Governance Watch survey 2016 sees the first-time entry and success of Australia in leading corporate governance ranking.

Diversity, 27 September, 2016
GSK praised for appointing female CEO
Directors’ body singles out GlaxoSmithKline for enhancing gender diversity of FTSE 100 with CEO appointment.