Turid Elisabeth Solvang
Turid Elisabeth Solvang, is president of ecoDa and co-founder and former managing director of the Norwegian Institute of Directors, established in 2009. (www.styreinstitutt.no).
Ms Solvang has been a board member of ecoDa (www.ecoda.org) since 2011, and was also member of the nomination and evaluation committee, the policy committee, and chairing ecoDa’s working group on board selection processes until November 3 2015.
Turid took her M.Sc. in general business at BI Norwegian Business School in 1989. She also holds a master program in scenario planning. Turid has extensive experience in corporate communications, as well as many years experience in board rooms as Non-Executive Director in both corporate boards (mainly financial and service sector) and membership associations.
From 2004 onwards, she has focused on board related products and services, including recruiting for corporate boards, and as co-owner and managing director of Infovidi AS, a project-development company based in Oslo, Norway. She was formerly responsible for corporate communication at Burson-Marsteller (the leading global public relations and public affairs firm) in Oslo, and was head of marketing at Fearnley Data, Oslo.
Latest Articles by Turid Elisabeth Solvang
6 December, 2016
Build your company’s future on trustNow, more than ever, boards need to repair and rebuild public trust. The answer lies in looking beyond profit and compliance, argues Turid E. Solvang.