Paul Boyle

Paul Boyle was the first CEO of the Financial Reporting Council and is now chairman of the whistleblowing charity Protect, formerly Public Concern at Work.

Latest Articles by Paul Boyle

  1. value whistleblowing

    16 January, 2023

    Why we need to value whistleblowing

    Encouraging staff to speak up and stop harm can reduce legal and reputational risk—both for the organisation and its board members.

  1. whistleblowing, social media

    8 March, 2019

    Why boards need to support whistleblowers

    The recently revised UK Corporate Governance Code has re-emphasised the importance of whistleblowing. Resources are available to help boards ensure they are well placed to support the process.

  1. Big Four, PwC, Deloitte, EY, KPMG

    18 May, 2018

    The audit market concentration ratchet strengthens case for reform

    The audit market is being accused of lacking competition, but there is a case for reforming ownership rules.