Ansie Ramalho, corporate governance consultant

Ansie was the King IV project lead at the Institute of Directors in Southern Africa, ensuring the successful finalisation of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa. She writes and presents regularly on corporate governance and ancillary matters, and participates in various forums and bodies that have as their objective the promotion of various aspects of governance. Ansie was instrumental in developing the Governance Assessment Instrument (GAI), which tailored the recommendations in King III for application by SMEs, state-owned entities, non-profit organisations, medical schemes and retirement funds.
Latest Articles by Ansie Ramalho
14 September, 2017
King IV on corporate governance: a product of African soilThe highly respected King reports lead global thinking on corporate governance. The most recent report drops the “apply or explain” principle for “apply and explain”—a significant change born of an effort to transform African economies.