The growing importance of integrated reporting will be explored in November when experts, business leaders and investors from around the world gather online to explore the issue of sustainable value creation at the International Integrated Reporting Council’s global conference.
Speakers will explore topics such as managing risk; how the pandemic illustrates the need for effective crisis management and business resilience; sustainability governance; and the role of boards.
This year Board Agenda will be supporting the IIRC’s Global Conference, which is being held virtually from 30 November–2 December 2020.
The three-day programme includes speakers such as Bob Moritz, global chair of PwC; Saker Nusseibeh, chief executive of Federated Hermes; Sanda Ojimba, chief executive of UN Global Compact and Professor Mervyn King, chair of the King Committee on Corporate Governance, guardian of the internationally respected King reports on governance, and chair emeritus of the IIRC.
The conference comes as the role of sustainability has never been higher on the agenda. Underscored by the effects of Covid-19 and the urgent need to tackle the climate crisis, sustainability is a headline issue in boardrooms across the globe.
The pandemic has raised the issue of how corporates care for their employees, a core issue in integrated reporting’s focus on human capital; while climate and the environment lie at the heart of the system’s spotlight on natural capital.
We are delighted to offer readers of Board Agenda a 20% discount to this year’s IIRC conference. Please use the code FKW53995BA